In April, I had the privilege of traveling to Minneapolis in America, to present my sports data operations research at the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) conference. This event was a remarkable opportunity to connect with fellow researchers and doctoral students from across the pond, and to gain an understanding of the nuances involved in publishing in American journals as opposed to those in the UK. I am deeply grateful to everyone at Manchester Metropolitan University who supported my attendance at this conference.
The official conference proceedings were undoubtedly valuable, but the most significant insights often come from the events surrounding the main sessions. These informal interactions provide a unique platform to get to know people, delve deeper into their research, and appreciate the context of the conference location. For me, the highlight of this trip was touring some of the iconic and newly constructed sports stadia in Minneapolis and even attending a baseball game. This experience was pivotal to my research, as European sports traditions and culture often present the biggest barriers to the implementation of sports data. By understanding how and why data integration has been seamlessly adopted in American sports, I have gained crucial insights that will enrich my own research.

This hands-on experience has allowed me to contextualise my findings within a broader framework. The American approach to sports data is vastly different, driven by a strong culture of analytics and a willingness to embrace technology. This contrasts sharply with the European sports scene, where tradition often hinders the adoption of new methods. By observing these differences firsthand, I can now better interpret some of the results from my PhD research and provide more substantial context and clarity.
Overall, presenting my research abroad and engaging in collaborative discussions with international academics has been an unforgettable experience. It has provided me with a platform to discuss my work, share experiences, analyse results, and outline future directions for my research. The knowledge and insights gained from this conference will be invaluable as I move forward.
The next steps for me involve reshaping my results to incorporate the new and improved narrative that have emerged from my time in America. This enhanced understanding will enable me to challenge the existing barriers within European sports and advocate for the broader implementation of sports data. I look forward to continuing this journey and furthering my research with a renewed perspective and enhanced clarity.
2 comments on “Presenting My Sports Data Research at POMS in America ”
Thanks for sharing Tom, useful information regarding America’s advancement in the adoption of data in sport compared to Europe, one will think the reverse would the case given the popularity of club football in Europe 😊
Thanks for sharing Tom, useful information regarding America’s advancement in the adoption of data in sport compared to Europe, one would have thought that the reverse is the case given the popularity of club football in Europe 😊